New Blog Site

January 01, 2019

Hello! I’m Mike, a .NET-oriented developer, and this is my tech blog. I’m not usually the blogging type but as a developer you accumulate so much random knowledge that often gets lost or forgotten - it seemed like it was time to start recording some of it, so I can refer back to it, and if it helps anyone else out there even better :) This is my own blog site that I made for myself in ASP.NET Core MVC and hosted on Azure. It has a few useful features, like a simple search function, and a protected Admin section where the blog site owner can create, save , edit and delete blog posts.

I hope to add new features in the future, and if helpful make it a one click Azure deployment (possibly with ARM templates?) so that any .NET developer, who wants to have their own blog without relying on third-party tools like medium or wordpress, can easily setup - and with most of the headaches such as Azure resource setup and domain name registration largely automated for you.

The code hosted on GitHub [here] (